Timecrest 2.9 Youtube Trailer description

This is a text description of the Youtube trailer for Timecrest 2.9 located at: https://youtu.be/le0gqiPgiwA

At 0 seconds

The new soundtrack song, "Determination" begins playing.

The title card says "Timecrest 2.9: Major Updates and Changes."

A colorful picture of A.C., Roger, and Elise are shown listening to music in the background.

At 5 seconds

The title says "All new music: 24 original songs by Dibur Music".

A video of the new In-game Music Player plays, showing the names of all 24 new tracks.

  1. Connection
  2. Ash
  3. Be Brave
  4. Timecrest Guild
  5. Mysteries
  6. Kingdom of Valdor
  7. Bad Dreams
  8. Chronos
  9. Aion
  10. Determination
  11. Ezra
  12. Lyall
  13. Dark Paths
  14. A.C.
  15. Roger
  16. Elise
  17. Sadness
  18. Heartbreak
  19. Forward
  20. Widsorhowl
  21. Aurumhalla
  22. Menacing
  23. Deadly Fight
  24. Wispy Brook

At 8 seconds

The song Determination is highlighted. The screen is scrolled to the bottom and the 2nd last track Deadly Fight is selected.

The new soundtrack song "Deadly Fight" begins playing.

At 9 seconds

The title "Remastered UI: Fresh New Look" is shown.

The old and the new UI are shown side by side. The old UI is dark and crowded and complicated. The new UI is fresh and spaced nicely and brighter.

The text is showing the following on the screen:

"Roger said, 'Thanks again for buying me the candyberry though.'"

In the old screen it shows "Ash and Roger are busy" with a paleish blue dust circling the screen. On the new screen it shows a new teal circle with gears on the side and a red crown on the top right. The word "Nexutas" is barefly visible on the inside. A paleish blue dust circles the screen.

At 16 seconds

The new Gold Exchange screen is shown. It shows a slider that allows you to do multiple exchanges of Time Crystals for Gold at once.

At 20 seconds

The new Merchant screen is shown. It shows a colorful background and a merchant with a big speech bubble saying "My heart stops every time I see her... No, I'm not talking about Princess Riley. My heart stops from fear at the sight of my boss–what a terrifying woman."

At 23 seconds

The title "Light Mode/Dark Mode" is shown.

Two screens are shown, the left one is dark mode, the right one is light mode. They show the same part:

Elise said, "What are you going to do, Ash?"

System message: [Ash is waiting]

Option: Use a potion to ease Adam's pain. Option: You can't save Adam. Don't waste a potion.

At 26 seconds

Light and dark modes are shown of the Memory Oracle feature. The first part of Ezra's story, "MOTHER" is shown with a page flipping to the second page.

At 27 seconds

The song from the new soundtrack, "Connection" is played.

The title screen for Timecrest: THE DOOR is shown. There are two silhouetted figures shown, one looks like a boy and one looks like a girl. The boy has a fire spell in hand and the girl is holding a wand with what looks like a big blue crystal in the center. There is a sword in the ground and a broken flower.

In the top right is the Apple App Store logo saying "Download on the App Store".

At 33 seconds

The title card reads "March 2020 Update Coming Soon"

At 36 seconds

The SNEAKY CRAB logo is shown, which is a red crab hanging off the block letters SNEAKY CRAB.

At 39 seconds

Trailer ends.